Tiempo de lectura: 2 minutos | La criatura más esponjada, curiosa y tierna vive en los Andes del país. El oso de anteojos lleva su nombre debido a los pelitos negros y blancos que rodean sus ojos, dándole la apariencia de llevar lentes. Los ositos suben a los árboles,...
Reading time: 2 minutes | Panela from the rural parishes of Quito reached more than 1 million sales in the European market in recent years. The product has high quality certifications that allow farmers in the parish of...
Reading time: 2 minutes | From the middle of the world is born the land of lime, millennial home of the Calas-Calas tribe. Calacalí is 17 km north of the city of Quito and is the gateway to the Chocó Andino biosphere reserve. "Talk about...